• The Work: Pass PR’s custom communication cohorts empower participants to be better writers, communicators, strategists, and leaders.
    • The Value: Pass PR’s online, in person, and 1-1 work accelerates the skills development process. 
    • The Difference: Pass PR’s assessment model enables students to  show what they know through interactive exercises and personal feedback.
    • The End Result: Pass PR participants finish with client-ready content to grow or start their careers.

Schedule time to meet with Dan to learn about custom communication coaching for you and the people you serve. 

Dan Farkas Course Offerings

Strategic Creative Storytelling:

    • Ways To Teach Creativity
    • Tools That Build Creative Cultures 
    • Leveraging Listening
    • Budgeting Time and Resources
    • Developing Custom Structure

Strategic Communication Writing:

    • Using Active Voice
    • Streamlining Word Count
    • Integrating Messaging Into Content
    • Building Diverse Stories
    • Optiziming For Digital Spaces

Media and Presentation Training:

    • Messaging 101
    • Crafting Your Story
    • Building Bridges
    • Planting Flags
    • Practicing 

PR Planning: 

    • Understanding Strategy Vs. Tactics 
    • Building Proper Plans 
    • Creating COPE Content 
    • Budgeting Time And Resources 
    • Measuring Success 

Account Planning & Service:

    • Understanding Why Teams Struggle
    • Addressing Issues Without Judgment
    • Overcoming Common Client Concerns
    • Building New Business With Current Clients
    • Improving Systems And Process 

Crisis Communication:

    • Proactive Planning 
    • Building Your Team
    • Making The Plan
    • Delivering In Stressful Moments
    • Measuring Success  

Media And Influencer Relations:

    • Building The List
    • Fostering Relationships
    • Making The Pitch
    • Ensuring Coverage Aligns With Goals
    • Amplifying Content 

Virtual Improv Training:

    • The Power of Listening
    • The Power of Affirmation
    • The Power of Voice
    • The Power of Practice 
    • The Practical Applications

Virtual Collaboration & Meetings: 

    • Why Virtual Meetings Fail
    • How Neuroscience Hurts Virtual Meetings
    • Managing Agendas and Expectations 
    • Making Meetings More Active
    • Practical Application
Dan Farkas PR Presentation Audience